Lighting streets and other public places.
Watering streets and other public places.
Cleaning street, public places and drains abating nuisances and removing noxious vegetation.
Regulating offensive, dangerous or obnoxious trades calling and practices.
Removing on ground of public safety, health and convenience, undesirable obstructions and projections in street and other public places.
Securing or removing dangerous building and places.
Acquiring, maintaining, changing and regulating places for the disposal of the dead.
Constructing, altering and maintaining streets, culverts, markets, slaughter houses, latrines, privies, urinals, drainage works and sewerage work.
Planting and maintaining trees on roadsides and other public places.
Providing or arranging for a sufficient supply of pure and wholesome water, where such supply does not exist, guarding from polluted water used for human consumption and preventing polluted water from being so used.
Registering births and deaths.
Rendering assistance in extinguishing fires and protecting life and properties when fire occurs.
Maintaining and developing the value of property vested in or entrusted to the management of the board ; and
Fulfilling any other obligations imposed upon it by or under this act or any other law for the time being enforce.
Laying out in areas, whether previously built upon or not, new street and acquiring land for the purpose and for the construction of buildings and compounds of buildings, to a butt on such streets.
Constructing, establishing or maintaining public parks, garden, offices, drinking fountains, tanks, wells and other works of public utility.
Taking a census and granting rewards for information which may tend to secure the correct registration of vital statistics.
Making a survey.
Giving relief on the occurrence of local epidemics by the establishment and maintenance of relief works or otherwise.
Securing or assisting to secure suitable places for the carrying on of any offensive, dangerous or obnoxious trade, calling or occupation.
Adopting any measures likely to promote the safety, health or convenience of the inhabitants of the cantonment.